Operation Theatre Lights

D4 Surgicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. is a Manufacturer and Exporter of Operation Theatre Lights also known as Ceiling Lamps. D4 Surgicals can provide these lamps also in the stand mode. D4 Surgicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. provides Operation Theatre Lightsto suit the requirements of each and every medical profession. These Operation Theatre Lights are used in most of the Indian hospitals and Dispensaries. D4 Surgicals has also earned a good reputation from the international community as one of the best quality Operation Theatre Lights Manufacturer from India. While Manufacturing these Operation Theatre Lights best quality standards are followed.

Operation Lights 7+4 Reflector [D4S 100]
Ceiling Lamps with 4 Reflector
Operation white Light 7 reflector
4 Reflector Light with Stand
OT Lights 4 +
4 Reflector


Dome Head 715mm Dia.
Halogen Bulbs 7nos. 12v x 50 watt
Light intensity at 1 mt. 1,20,000 Lux
Intensity Control 4 Stage
Height Adjustment 500mm
Action Radius 1850mm
Possible Movements Radial, Angular & Axial
Colour Temperature 4200 K ± 300K
Temp.rise in field
4o - 8o c from Amb.Temp
Low voltage unit
with CVT
1 No. (C.V.T optional)
Input Supply Voltage 22OvoltA.C± 10%
50Hz ± 2%

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